Friday afternoon, during our Create Time, we had a short introduction to the coding app Hopscotch. This app uses a "drag and drop" format for kids to create their own projects. We made our cartoon character draw a square together and then I challenged the kids to make another program to draw a different geometric shape. I gave them some examples of the number of degrees to use for different angles since we don't study that in 1st grade. The kids had to think about how many sides their shape has so they could program the repeat command to draw that many sides. They also experimented with different lengths of sides and some fun extras for their character at the end of the shape. Everyone had a complete project to share at the end of our work time! Students can share their creations with you on their iPads. In addition to applying what we are learning about shapes and their attributes, coding gives students practice in logical thinking, sequencing commands, and the STEM design process of testing and improving.
In our 2 dimensional geometry, we have learned several shapes and their most important attributes. You can help your child practice this vocabulary at home. Look for examples of these shapes in everyday objects!
Triangles have 3 sides and 3 corners (vertices).
Rectangles are 4 sided shapes with all square corners. (We have talked about the terms right angles and 90° angles, but students don't need to know those yet. We have compared a square corner to the corner on a normal piece of paper.) Notice that squares belong in the group rectangles because they have 4 square corners. All squares are rectangles. And some rectangles are also squares...
A rhombus is a 4 sided shape with 4 equal sides. Notice that squares are also rhombuses because their sides are the same length. All squares are rhombuses. And some rhombuses are also squares... (We have also talked about the word quadrilateral for any shape with 4 sides and 4 corners, but it isn't something 1st graders have to know yet.)
Students don't need to know that a pentagon is a 5 sided shape yet, but they do need to know that hexagons are shapes with 6 sides and 6 corners.
It is really important that students know the most specific name for a shape, but they also need to know that many shapes can be called more than one name - just like your dog might also be a beagle and it is also your pet and a mammal and an animal... So a square is also a rectangle and a rhombus and a quadrilateral and 2 dimensional and a closed shape...
Other important vocabulary for 2D geometry in 1st grade includes circle, straight sides, curves, and open or closed shapes. All the shapes drawn above are closed shapes. Circles, ovals, and the letter D are also closed. Open shapes have lines that don't go all the way around like C, L, or S. You couldn't color in an open shape because you wouldn't know where to stop coloring.
Next week we will also learn about 3D shapes!