Math Resources

These are the math standards (as listed on the Standards-Based Report Card) for 1st grade:  As I collect resources that can be used to practice each standard, I will create a link to those resources.  This will be a work-in-progress this year.

Math Standards
Money     (Penny-P, Nickel-N, Dime-D)
I can identify coins by value and describe the relationships among them.
I can count a collection of pennies, nickels or dimes by twos, fives and tens.
Number Concepts and Algebraic Reasoning
I can count and represent numbers using objects, pictures and standard form.
I can order whole numbers using place value and number lines.
I can use number patterns to count forward and backward.
I can use number patterns to skip count by 5s and 10s.
I can use number patterns to skip count by 2s.
I can represent numbers in expanded form.
I can compare numbers using >, <, or =.
Organizing and Analyzing Data
I can construct picture and bar-type graphs.
I can use information from graphs to answer questions.
I can use information from graphs to generate questions.
Geometry and Spatial Reasoning
I can identify, describe, create and sort 2D shapes using their attributes.
I can identify and describe 3D shapes using their attributes.
I can create and identify halves and fourths of 2D figures.
I can measure length.
I can tell time to the hour using analog and digital clocks.
I can tell time to the half hour using analog and digital clocks.
Number Operations
I can represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
I can add and subtract two or three numbers.
I can solve for missing numbers in addition and subtraction equations.
I understand that both sides of the equal sign represent the same value and can apply this in problem solving. (balanced equations)
I can explain a variety of strategies used to solve problems.

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