Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Objects in the sky...

In science we have begun to learn about objects in the sky.  Not things like birds and planes, but natural objects like the sun, moon, stars, and clouds.  Today we talked about what they already know, which is a lot, and began talking about patterns we will be learning about.  Then each student took a set of 4 cards showing different views of the moon and tried to make an sequence they thought would be reasonable.  Then they combined with a partner and then with their whole table group to put the cards into a pattern that repeated over and over.  Here is one group that made a pattern that repeated 4 times:

Tomorrow we will learn more about the phases of the moon.  We will compare their ideas to the actual sequence of changes we see when observing the moon.  Since we often cannot observe the moon during the school day, it would be great if you could look for the moon in the sky each evening and talk about what stays the same and what changes you see.  Also keep an eye out for it as you come to school each morning!

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