Friday, September 13, 2013

Class Poem

Today our class finished writing a poem about summer (since we are studying about seasons and weather).  Earlier we had brainstormed words and phrases about summer - after a very hot day at recess.  Today we added new ideas and then rearranged them to make a "found poem".  We put ideas together that sounded good and made sense.  We also used our strategy to reread and see if it made sense, looked right, and sounded right.  Here is the final version the class came up with:

by Ms. Norwood's class

hot weather

yellow sun
red faces
hot enough to burn the playground
hot enough to melt the playground

100 degrees
feels like 1,000 degrees
super-duper hot

melts ice
could melt the whole world
hot enough to grill you
could melt you
wet hair
hot, sweaty hair
sweaty foreheads

hot slide that burns you
have to jump around if you don't have shoes on
bare feet get burned

solar energy
hot enough to toast a marshmallow
hot enough to make you catch on fire


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