Monday, September 14, 2015

RAZ-Kids Reading!

I want to let everyone know about a tool students have on their iPads which can be used for reading at home and at school!  RAZ-Kids is an app our school has purchased that provides students with a large variety of books at their "just right" reading level.  I have entered all the kids and we have used the app in class a few times now so they should know their way around.  

Students can choose a book to read.  If they want or need extra support they can listen to it first and read along.  Then they should read it on their own.  After that, there is a short, 5 question quiz about the book.  When they take the quiz, they can have the computer read the questions and answer choices and they can go back to the book to reread.  There is also a way for students to record themselves reading and turn the recording in to me.  We will use this feature in class soon!  All this information is available to me so I know how students are using the app and how they are doing on their reading on their own.

This app provides all kind of books for students:  fiction, folk tales, and information books on many topics.  There is truly something for everyone here!  RAZ-Kids is always an option for kids when they are reading at home. 

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