Since we know we have new visitors to our blogs, I talked to the class today about what we would want our new blog friends to know about us. They gave me LOTS of ideas to share!
Here is our class outside reading this morning in our new school garden! We are very excited about this project. You can see what nice weather we are having here in Texas! Our high temperature today was 90°F (about 32°C).
This is part of our room - the library - and some of the places to sit to work.
This part of the room is where we all gather for lessons and meetings. Our projector shines in that empty space on the board. We have iPads that students use in class and can also take home to work on learning there - like reading books on RAZ-Kids.

We are a STEM school so we do a lot of Science Technology Engineering and Math. These pictures show some building challenges we worked on this year. We also learn about coding and will learn about robotics this year. Sometimes we do engineering challenges that are part of our science or other subjects. We have just started a project to build a wall that could keep Peter Rabbit our of Mr. McGregor's garden. I'm sure you will see more about that on the student blogs soon!
We still do all the regular 1st grade subjects like reading, writing, math, music, art, P.E., and more. We like to read with our friends and solve problems in math. We write stories about things we do and we also write on our blogs about what we are learning and doing. Some of our class stays after school every week to practice with the 1st and 2nd grade choir, called Ositos. That means little bear in Spanish because our school mascot is a cub. We like to take dance breaks between subjects sometimes.
You can see a little of our playground here. Our class likes to do lots of fun activities at recess after lunch: roll down the hill, play on the playground equipment, play ball games like football, soccer, and catch, and try to catch ladybugs or dragonflies.
The town where we live is Grapevine. Grapevine has a lake called Grapevine Lake and got its name from the grapes people grow here. There is even a big city festival called Grapefest every year. It is in between the big cities of Dallas and Fort Worth. Dallas has the State Fair of Texas right now which is even bigger than Grapefest.
This is everything our class thought of today to introduce ourselves. We want to read all about your classes, too, and see what your schools are like! Do you have more questions for us about where we live and learn?
Hi! We are so excited to be connecting with you. It seems like it's meant to be because we are dragonflies too! Ms. Meck thinks they are magical and we have 2 dragonfly kites hanging in our classroom. We are so excited to learn more about your school and Texas. We have lots of questions and are going to come up with a list later today.
ReplyDeleteHi Dragonflies! We can't wait to read your blogs soon. We are just posting our first ones today, this only our 11th day of school. It looks really warm in Texas. It's sunny here but the temperature is only 70 degrees. There are 25 students in our class and we all have iPads. We use them for learning. We don't have any chairs in our class. Except in dragonfly beach, that is our calm body spot. Ms. Meck will post some more pictures on our class blog tonight. Your classroom looks nice and we are interested in science too. Most of all we want to know about the cardboard challenge? That sounds like fun.