As we have been learning about plants in science, one of our projects has been to make a book about plants and their parts. Students used the app Shadow Puppet Edu, which offers an excellent way to safely search for photos, wrote their text, and then recorded themselves reading their book. Click to play some of their books below...
Isaac Colin Hailey Isabella
Madelyn Ryan Natalia Ava Grace
Carolyn Livia Katia
Students did a great job choosing photos to match the ideas they were writing and deciding what the best sequence would be. Then they wrote and edited their work to make it easier for their reader to understand. Even though we all started out to share the same basic information, all of their projects turned out different and interesting! Enjoy reading and listening!
Ava Grace I loved hearing you narrative on plants. I am so happy that you are learning about the things that are so precious to our lives. You did a great job on your presentation...maybe you can do my next work presentation:)